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SINA Newsroom

Fast and simple newsroom

The main purpose of a news agency is to produce and publish news in the least time in competition with the other news agencies. SINA newsroom software has accomplished this dream and now is available for news teams as a reliable and efficient tool to help producers do their works quickly and with the least expenses. This is a result of designing the system while having news directors along and respecting their needs.

Integrated administration

SINA, as a news automation system, simultaneously supports more than 1000 users. SINA Newsroom supplies administrators with enhanced administration tools and centralized management from defining operations in the lowest level and creating groups of operations to defining users and roles for different groups of users, from assigning an operation (access permission) or a group of operations to a user or a group of users to revoking some accesses. The administration is applied to all parts of the system and subsystems.


SINA Newsroom supports MOS protocol and can be connected to other systems such as MAM, Ingest, CG, and Playout. It also has an automatic user-friendly interaction with NLE systems. SAMA (asset management) and its facilities are available in the SINA Newsroom interface. A messaging module provides internal communication for users. Also, the statistics module is available to produce different statistical reports that help to decide plans and policies. These modules can be added to the system as plug-ins.

SINA Newsroom Features:

  • Multi-track timeline for story creation
  • Multi-track rough-cut to generate the storyboard
  • Compatible with NLEs: Avid, Edius, Adobe, Incite
  • Supporting MOS protocol
  • Supporting Unicode fonts and multi-lingual interface
  • More than 1000 simultaneous users
  • Supporting different text, audio, video, and image formats
  • Supporting news comments like LVO, VC, PKG
  • Assignment-based news production and broadcast
  • Defining access levels based on an organization chart
  • Defining filters on wires
  • Personal spaces for organizing, categorizing, and keeping the material 
  • Customizable personal space for users 
  • Receiving news from more than 30 different news sources
  • Receiving news from satellite, agencies, internet, fax, and FTP


SINA Newsroom software catalog

Date-50Saturday, 06 November 2021 10:25
File Size-50 2.37 MB
Download-50 3


  SINA Newsroom , News Automation

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